Great Expectations Chapt 39
Autor: viki • April 9, 2011 • Essay • 561 Words (3 Pages) • 2,435 Views
Chapt 39
Pip is now twenty-three years old. Herbert has gone now ,and he reads a lot. An immense storm descends on London. During this storm, a new episode begins in his young life as footsteps appear on his staircase. A man about sixty, with iron-gray hair and a head furrowed and bald, asks to be admitted to his home. Upon allowing the gentleman to sit down, he realizes that he is the convict that he helped in the marshes. Pip now learns his terrible secret. The convict is his secret benefactor.
Pip은 옛날에 그가 구했던 그범인이 그의 진정한 기부자라는 것을 알게 된다.
In Chapter 39 of "Great Expectations", what language techniques does Dickens use to present plot, character, and setting?
39장 중에서 Dickens가 줄거리하고 인물을 그리고 배경의 묘사에서 어떤 언어수법을 이용했나?
In Chapter 39,Pip discovers that Magwitch is his benefactor. Dickens heightens the suspense of this discovery through his use of imagery and dialogue. The first thing we notice is that there is a terrible storm. The storm reflects the confusion Pip feels and destruction of the dreams Pip had. When Pip first hears the news that Magwitch is the one who has been supporting him he says, "I stood so, looking wildly at him, until I grasped at the chair, when the room began to surge and turn. Pip realizes in an instant that this rough man does not fit into Estella's world..As he explains the details of how he supported Pip, his language is course and uneducated. " Let me finish wot I was a telling you, dear boy. From that there hut and that there hiring-out, I got money left me by my master (which died, and had been thesame as me), and got my liberty and went for