Market Survey Coverage: Only Industrial Market in Mumbai
Autor: antoni • November 8, 2011 • Case Study • 3,442 Words (14 Pages) • 2,261 Views
Market Survey Coverage: only Industrial Market in Mumbai
Submitted to: Shri.Sriniwas sir ,Dhruva college of management
Subject : Report on Market Survey from Mumbai
Report by:
Pgdm 2010-2012
Report by:
"3rd Most Promising B-School in India"
Report of Survey for
Associated Road Carriers Ltd.
The survey has run from 29th May-5st July 2011. We as a team were able to survey 160 Customers as a whole.
Survey Schedule : 29th May-5st July 2011.
Total days : 37.
Total Survey : 160.
Areas Covered : All the assigned areas.
Project Outline:
Type : Market Survey.
Survey through : Questionnaire.
Project & SIP Objectives : 1. In order to study market share of ARC PVT LMT in Mumbai
2.To Identify potential customers at tapped and un tapped areas in
3.To Know Existed customer perception on ARC Limited.
4.Also helps ARC in business expansion
Project Team Leader : Sri. Anupam Chakraborthy(GM-sales&marketing Mumbai)
Project Head : Sri.Lyju Anthony(Regional Manager)
Faculty Guide : Sri. Dr.S.Pratap Reddy Chairman , Dhruva College Of Management&Sri.Sriniwas sir
By keeping the given objectives in mind, I try to understand what are customers opinion on ARC and what they are expecting from logistics service providers.
To gather these information i covered only industrialm market. I took samples from existing A R C Customers and Non-Existing customers because to find where A R C can really create more business. There are so many potential customers