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Silas Marner in What Ways Does George Eliot Convey Her Ideas to the Reader About the Importance of Love

Autor:   •  April 14, 2012  •  Book/Movie Report  •  716 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,957 Views

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Silas Marner In what ways does George Eliot convey her ideas to the reader about the importance of love

In the novel Silas Marner, the writer George Eliot, illustrates her ideas about the importance of love and how love can come in many ways when you least expect it and how it can change our life. Eliot tries to show that love of others is ultimately more fulfilling than love of money. She also demonstrates that love of material things may result in isolation and an empty life also that neither money nor class can earn love.

At the beginning of the novel Eliot portrays money in a negative light where it is seen as a harmful force that can ruin lives when it is coveted. It is revealed to us in the beginning of the novel that Silas's dearest friend William, whom he admired very much in Lantern Yard, frames him for a robbery he committed himself. As a result of William deliberate deception places Silas is declared guilty of all charges and cast out of Lantern Yard and in turn lost his faith. All this was done so that he could marry Silas's former fiancée, Sarah. That message that Eliot is sending to the reader is that love of money and material things can cause greed and jealousy of other who have what you desire. When we let greed consumer us we will stop at nothing to get what we want even of it means hurt people we love or are closest to us. She also show us that love is fragile and there are many things that can stand in its way and ruin it which is what makes it so important to hold onto which as a result makes it so precious.

After leaving Lantern Yard and moving to Raveloe any love he had is lost with his faith in God. “His life had reduced itself to the functions of weaving and hoarding” and cast out from the rest of the community to wallow in his loneliness. Silas shutting himself off to the work and making work


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