A Tale of Two Cultures
Autor: thomasmolek • February 21, 2015 • Research Paper • 316 Words (2 Pages) • 1,226 Views
Gil Debusscher
Dr. Akoto
International Business
A Tale of Two Cultures
I believe my company could ease the tensions with a few small adaptations. For example, I would allow the people from the traditional systems to go home very often. They are used to be surrounded by their family. Therefore, I would not hire them full-time. As a result, they could go home more and they will not be separated from their family .I am convinced that the best way to ease the tension is to avoid that the people of the traditional culture get shocked. The transition to the modern jobs needs to happen smoothly to avoid problems.
I am convinced globalization is one of the most overlooked reasons of drug abuse, divorce and crime in Asia. People are face with an identity crisis. Sometimes, they get stuck between the two cultures. As a result, they become extremely sad. These people use drugs to forget their problems. Usually, divorce and crime are consequences of drug use. Therefore, I believe we should put more severe rulings on globalization in Asia. As a result, we would avoid a lot of sadness and crimes in Asia.
I do not believe we can carry on a valid discussion of Asian values. Asia has so many different religions. As a consequence, people have different values. People that live in Hong-Kong have a complete different perspective on life than people who live in North-Korea. As a result, I believe that we cannot carry a conversation about Asian values.
I definitely agree with the statement. Economic development requires a modern vision on work. I believe that the transition from an agricultural culture to a modern culture is very difficult. It will take a long time before people are completely integrated in the new lifestyle. However, the economic development is crucial for the business transactions with Asia. As a result, I believe people in Asia should start the transition immediately.