Advertising Plan Chapter 5
Autor: jenifer rapista • March 28, 2017 • Business Plan • 1,222 Words (5 Pages) • 743 Views
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V. Overall Strategies
Time Frame – Start: January 29, 2017 (10 weeks before the event)
January 29 – February 11 (10 - 9 weeks in advance)
- Visit every Universities administrator: To inform them that Maxcor will having an event.
- Prepare Preliminary budget
- Search for sponsors for the event.
- Send out “Invitation “cards. ( emails)
- Book a venue, reservation
February 12 - 25 2017 (8-7 weeks in advance)
- Informing Dean / administrator for Maxcor small events for every University.
- Arrange the sponsors
- Plan the Activities (Awards, Speakers)
- Posting Trivia about the big event.
- Post incomplete poster on website and social media
- Placing “ Box of Knowledge” in every Lobby of Universities
- Online event/competition #KnowledgeneverendStory #Maxcor
[pic 1]Box of Knowledge
- Non-profit
- Putting some big Boxes in the lobby of every universities students and faculties can put here Old books.
- It will distribute it in some ethnic groups here in Philippines
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
Hope from Knowledge
- Non-profit
- Collaboration with NGO’s, which goes in different ethnics group in the Philippines.
- It is an event to give native children a hope that their knowledge never end, because of poverty and being different to the urban children’s.
- Books from Box of knowledge will be distributed to the schools that build for ethnic children in their plac
February 26 – March 4, 2017 (6 weeks in advance)
- Plan Decors, and registration kits
- Post complete poster information on website and social media
- Invite the non-paying guest (Deans, Professors, and Speaker etc.)
- Viewing the “Hope from knowledge” Event.
March 5 – 18, 2017 (5-4 weeks in advance)
- Conducting a “Expand your knowledge?” quiz bee Competition in participating universities.
- Introduction and Invitation of the big event in every Universities.
- Posting in Social Media
- Assemble Programs and activities booklet
- Start of Registration
[pic 4]
March 12 – 25 (3-2 in advance)
- School Magazine Ad ( 2 times in a week)
- Assemble presentations
- University TV ad ( Announcement about the Coming Event)
March 26 – April 1, 2017 (Final Week)
- Prepare Name Tags
- Confirm with all Vendors, donors, Venue etc.
- Final posting in Social Media. With Hashtag #Knowledgeneverends.
- Announcement of winner in How much knowledge do you? Competition and Online competition #KnowledgeneverendStory #Maxcor
April 8, 2017 (The Ultimate Maxcor Book Trading Exhibit)
April 9-15, 2017 (1 week after the event)
- Sent out “Thank you” Notes to all Universities who participate in this event.
(Online and Email)