Ba 5700 - Operations Management Micro Assignment
Autor: Cedric Kennedy • March 12, 2017 • Essay • 2,664 Words (11 Pages) • 944 Views
BA 5700: Managing Behavior in Organizations
Micro Assignment
Cedric Kennedy
After completing the four assessments provided to me, I found that I am extremely extraverted, assertive, emotionally stable and value happiness greatly. The purpose of this paper is to analyze my results from the four assessments provided, and relate them to course material in addition to explaining how these traits will both benefit and inhibit me going forward into the workplace.
The Big 5 Model
After completing the first assessment I identified my scores on the five basic personalities found in the Big 5 Model: extraversion agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. My highest scored trait was not surprising when I found it to be extraversion. I scored a 15, the highest rating possible. Typically someone who is an extravert tends to be extremely sociable, talkative and assertive. Extraversion refers to how comfortable one feels with a particular number or personal relationships. People with high extraversion can handle a larger number of relationships and enjoys spending time with many people, whereas people with low extraversion (introverts) create fewer relationships and tend to spend less time pursuing those connections.
Coming into this class I already knew I was an extrovert, mostly because I have been told it hundreds of times. Reflecting on any given situation, I am usually very sociable and enjoy speaking with people and getting to know everyone around me. I feel this is the main reason why I enjoyed working as a bartender for so long. I have been a bartender for roughly 8 years and I have met thousands of people. Under my bed, I have a shoe box filled with business cards and a contact list in my phones with hundreds of people I do not remember. Going about my day, I am typically extremely enthusiastic, even towards unimportant tasks. On several occasions, I have been asked, “Do you ever get tired?”, and my response is usually countered with a laugh and a heck no!
Although, I consider my extraversion as a strength, there are times I have found it to be a burden. On any given day, I am stopped countless times by people who want to stop and chat with me. This has been a struggle more recently because I have been extremely busy trying to launch a startup, go to school and hold a part time job among other responsibilities. Although, I enjoy speaking with everyone that stops by, at the end of the day I find myself rushing to finish everything I set out to do that day. In order to solve this problem, I began doing a lot more work at home, and unfortunately I have a hard time concentrating. I have found that I am more productive when I am working around people. So, at this point and time in my life I am seeking a happy medium to this constant struggle.