Brand Management
Autor: Chloé Grn • March 5, 2016 • Course Note • 7,185 Words (29 Pages) • 932 Views
Brand Management
Session 1 : The strategic value of a brand/ Identify - Positioning
What is a brand?
The brand is a name, a term, a sign, a drawing or any combination of these elements which identify the goods or the services of a company and differenciate them from the competition.
Differentiation brand assets, strength, and value:
From Awareness to Financial Value:
- Brand assets: awareness, reputation, perceived personality, brand values, customer imagery, brand preference, patents
- Brand value: net cash flow attributable to the brand after paying the cost of capital invested to produce and run the business and the cost of marketing
- Brand strength: market share, penetration, growth, loyalty rates, premiumness, power towards distribution
Brand Versus product:
A good product is nothing without a strong brand (bio → activia)
A strong brand is nothing without a good product (bic perfume)
Brand vs corporate brand:
- Make company actions, values and missions more salient and diffuse specific added values
- Defend the company’s global reputation:
- Emotional appeal (trust, admiration, respect): MacDonald
- Product and services (quality, innovation): Philips
- Vision and leadership: DANONE
- Workplace quality (well managed, employee talent)
- Financial performance: VW
- Social responsibility
The brand, a symbol for the consumers:
- A guarantee function → Nestlé
- Reduces the risk
- Quality signal
- Social function → Apple
- Create symbolic associations
- Identification
- Social representation
- Affective function → Nivea
- Creates an intense and emotional relationship
- Reference function → Adidas
- Identification of the product
- New consumers easier to find
The brand expression | The brand signals |
Brand name:
Types | Qualities |
Brand awareness:
- Top of mind: quoted in the first one
- Spontaneous: in mid
- Global: recognized
Consumer pathway:
- Awareness: What does it do for me?
- Drive awareness of basic benefit of brand/product. A solution to a need, want or problem
- Involvement: Is it for me?
- Descriptive info to drive association and show relevance to consumer’s values
- Active consideration: Which one?
- Provide discriminating information to help consumer choose between alternatives
- Purchase intention: This one
- Ensure that once consumer has chosen that the products are not switched
- Consumption: This is just what I wanted
- Ensure that consumer expectation is met. Help consumer maximize experience
- Relationship Building: They care about me
- Demonstrate understanding of emotional contract with consumer. Over deliver
- Advocacy: These are great you should get one
- Provide information and excuses for consumer to advocate brand
To measure brand equity:
- Brand awareness
- Brand personality, concept, positioning, precise and distinct image
- Signs of recognition by the consumer
- Brand authority, esteem, perceived status, consumer loyalty
The 3 strategies of Porter:
- Differentiation: Specify and value added + Total market
- Strategy cost/ volume: Cost and quality + Total Market
- Specialization: Specific segment
- Withdrawal strategy (or back to the original category)
- Upholding strategy (weak adaptation)
- Conquest strategy (new segments)
- Extensive strategy (target development)
- Sophistication strategy (upper range)
- Imitation strategy (me too product), or differentiation
- Innovation strategy (invention)
- Distribution strategy (selective, exclusive)
- Challenger strategy, follower, leader
Brand Identity, the source of brand positing:[pic 1]
- Brand identity: the vision, the key beliefs, and its core values
- Relationship between brand identity and corporate identity
- Corporate’s identity transmits its values to the brand
- The value and the culture make the brand identity
- The identity prism of a brand:
- Brand positioning: the main difference creating preference in a specific market for a chosen target, at a specific time for its products. The thing which makes what to whom with what
- Brand image: A synthesis and perception made by the public of all the brand messages
- Spontaneous image, latent images, from products and ad
- Mental representation / Personal and subjective/ Selective and simplifying/ Stable
The central kernel of the brand:
The kernel includes fundamental associations which constitute the identity of the brand. What must remain identical through countries, time and products/services .
The peripheric system involves other associations which are less important