Brazil Entry Anaylsis
Autor: skullas92 • February 24, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,236 Words (5 Pages) • 677 Views
Nicholas Capobianco
Everyone enjoys free time and people in Brazil are no different. In a country where money is an issue they can’t afford to go shopping, go out to eat, etc. on numerous occasions a week. The ability and time to play sports plays a big role in their community. Around the world Brazil is well known for their outstanding history in the sport of soccer.
Major Sports
In America we know the sport as soccer. Down in Brazil it is called football for obvious reasons". Whenever their national team plays the whole country stops for ninety minutes in order to watch the beautiful game. Another major sports in this country include mixed martial arts. People come from all over the world to train with the masters of Brazil and compete in tournaments.
The World Cup comes around every four years and Brazil has won it five times(Rumsby, 2014). In the summer of 2014 Brazil, the greatest footballing nation ever, hosted the biggest and most watched sporting event worldwide (Rumsby, 2014). While watching the games on television the country seemed so peaceful and stable. The fans acted like nothing was wrong. In the years leading up to the World Cup there was a lot going wrong. “Blatter hit out after half of Brazil’s 12 host stadiums failed to meet Fifa’s Dec 31 deadline for completion, with several people having died in the rush to get them ready and delays also affecting work on hotels, airports and roads” (Rumsby, 2014). This means that half of their stadiums had to be finished and pass inspection in less than five months. If not they would lose the rights to hosting the tournament that they were favorites to win. Not only did this affect the worker’s other jobs but it also affected the living conditions of the community.
Most countries around the world have a few players within their history that put them in the spotlight for the moment. It seems like Brazil has an endless production of football prodigies. The first player everyone has heard of world-wide is Ronaldo (Atkins). After that they had Ronaldinho, Kaka, and now Neymar (Atkins). Everyone in Brazil wants to grow up and be like these players. Kids look up to them and train 24/7 with a ball at their feet. Neymar has become a more common name in recent years. “The baby boy name Neymar was given to 295 baby boys in 2012, ranking #691 on the national boy baby name top chart. Neymar peaked in popularity 3 years ago in 2012 on position 691” (BabyNameScience, 2015). This shows just how influential this one sport is to an entire nation ("BRAZIL." Brazil Sports).
Mixed martial arts is also an established sport in Brazil. Most people know the names of UFC fighter Anderson Silva and women fighter Ronda Rousey ( Snowden) Anderson Silva was born in Brazil and took on Brazilian Jujitsu at a young age (Snowden). He brought that into the UFC and took it by storm. After each fight he takes the time to thank his fans and trainers. He has made the sport more popular in Brazil (Snowden)
Differences in Beliefs
Brazil is a very religious country. Brazil as mentioned previously is dominated by Catholic residents. “Roughly 3/4 of Brazil's population is staunchly Catholic. Even though the government tries to separate itself from state, many times political decisions are made in light of whether or not the end result will offend the Catholic church, so that alone shows how prevalent Catholicism is in Brazil” (CelebrateBrazil, 2015). This shows how dominant religion is to the people of Brazil.