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Bunnings Australia Market Segmentation

Autor:   •  June 10, 2018  •  Business Plan  •  4,070 Words (17 Pages)  •  677 Views

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Question 1-topic 1

Compare&contrast unitary&plurarist approaches to the emplymnt rltionship ?=unitaryis wen management &wrkforce has have a unity in intrest &any conflict is due to poor mgmnt,it underlies modern hrm wch focuses on creating policies that simultaneously benefit employees &employers it reconciles all parties,conflict does not exist,it aim to devise hr policies that align employees &employrs eg valiable & reliable selection ,measure to hire & promote employees,training and dvlpmnt supervision,enabling growth,compensation wr as plurarist is known as liberial collectivism &collective bargaining and argues there is multiple interest groups in the org & accepts conflict exists it is inevitable there is no same goal allows views from trade unions & mgmnt is achieved thru negotiations3#QUESTION 5-TOPIC 3

What is hr planning ?explain the importance in an org= it is a process that identifies current& future hr needs of the org to achieve goals ,hr planning supports the strategic objectives-ensures org has ryt pipo at the ryt time ryt skills,ryt price-helps the org to cope with dynamic environment,helps to face changes eg competitive forces,market,technology or gvt regulation-gvt contracts can be won ,firm must supply detailed info on manpower resources must plan for and develop appropriate hr -helps to implement equal employment oppurtunities  affirmative action programs must be implemented & monitored in regard of hiring,training,compensation & development-helps reduce uncertainty evaluates the environment ,assesses the strength and weaknesses of the org ,set objectives and dertemine program for implementation

QUESTION 6 -TOPIC 3#Job analysis is a cornerstone of hrm ,discuss?

Yes becoz the info it collects serves variety hrm functions

It is a process of obtaining info at jos by derteming duties and tasks or activities of the job it is used in 1)training& development-may adjust job requirements due to need to facilitate training& taining needs can be dertemined 2)recruitment –dertemine recruiting sources &methods may adjust requirements according to labour market conditions3)selection –provide hiring specifications 4)perfo management  provide standard perfo ,may adjust job requirements according to evaluation 5)compensation mgmnt –dertemine pay scale ,adjust job requirements to conform to pay scale 6)workplace relations –determine which union represents employees may adjust job requirements by union  negotiations 7)competency profiling –focuses on skills & behavior needed to perfom job successfully eg motives traits,self concept ,knowledge skills#QUESTION 7 TOPIC 4#SHOULD SOME HRM ROLES BE DEVOLVED TO LINE MANAGERS ?EXPLAIN WHY AND GIVE EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC ROLESOne of the reasons for devolving HR to the line managers are cost-cutting imperatives,asdevolvement would see HR departmentsBecoming smaller.  Second, because HR is tasked to ensure that employment regulation is followed, it is often seen as constraining the ability of managers to make autonomous decisions devolving some of the HR responsibilities to line managers would enable faster decision-making that is in line with business reality. And because line managers occupy a unique position between the strategic apex and the operating core of organizations they are able to influence strategic and operational priorities. Thus devolvement results in higher levels of motivation and more effective control of employees and sharpens line managers’ decision-making skills and thus prepares them for higher level positions. The HCCP Survey in South Korea, for example, found that line managers’ involvement in HRM creates a strong HR climate by delivering distinctive, consistent and consensus-enhancing messages to employees. There are noted disadvantages to devolving HR responsibility to front-line managers. On the one hand, line managers are keen to take on HR responsibilities but on the other, they are ineffective in completing HR responsibilities and delivering value.# QUESTION 8 TOPIC 4There are various types of rules that regulate the employment relationship .descibe the rules and explain the implicatios for hrm policies and practices Recruitment and Selection- Employment specialists who understand employment law can shape recruitment and selection policies based on federal, state and local regulations pertaining to fair employment practices. Fundamental to creating a recruitment and selection policy is an understanding of and appreciation for the laws that underlie fair employment practices. The recruitment and selection process is where an employer has the first opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to equal opportunity employment. Recruitment and selection policies are essential to building a productive workforce -- from attracting qualified applicants to hiring the best talent possible for the organization's needs. These policies contain elements of how to source candidates, attract qualified applicants, explain the essential job functions and determine which applicants' qualifications are suitable for roles within the company.*Workplace Safety


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