Business Case
Autor: worlds1994 • November 5, 2014 • Essay • 996 Words (4 Pages) • 879 Views
Business is one way to make money for every people in the world. There are many things that people should learn and know how to run the business. One of the most important things in doing business is management. According to Koontz and Weihrich (2008), “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working on groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims”. However, according to Taylor, Management is the act of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that is done in the best and cheapest way. (Mary, 2009)
Frederick Winslow Taylor was the father of Scientific Management. He issued his well known book in 1911 (Principles of Scientific Management). His theory of scientific management had a big role in establishing in the 20th century factory system in developed country (Europe and America). It created an efficiency ‘way’, which spread before the First World War in Europe. (Caldari, 2007)
According to Scahchter (2010), Taylor’s Principle about the efficiency of work had a big influence on management qualification in the current era and relevant in a current management atmosphere. She also claimed that Taylor was one of a science who thought about the efficiency of time to finish the job and to increase the profit of organization in his era where there were very small amount of scientist who were thinking about that. (Bell and Martin, 2011)
Taylor had some views that have been well received by management which was “the motivation by giving the money bonus, time and motion study to finish the job, standardization of tools and procedures, goal setting plus work measurement and feedback, scientific selection, management's responsibility for training, individualized work, the shortened work week, and rest pauses” (Locke, 1982) that still be used until today to increase profit. Furthermore, unless to increase the profit of organization, Taylor believed that the principles of scientific management could increase the prosperity both of the employee and employer to the maximum. (Bell and Martin, 2011).
Furthermore, Taylor’s concepts were not accepted at the beginning and he tried to proof it. For instance, he determined that the workers should have breaks or rest pauses so they can recover their energy. He proved it with the job of unloading ore, labor were taught to have a break to rest during work and it resulting increased in productivity. Nowadays, the army uses it in forced marches - the soldiers are commanded to take a rest of 10 minutes for every hour of marching which allows for a much longer forced march than continuous walking. Moreover, the other example is the modern fast food restaurants, they try to discover the efficient way to grill a hamburger, fry chicken, and serve a meal. This allows employees repeat the same job over and over for everyday like a machine, have no opportunity to do innovation, and uses only small part of their abilities. (Beder,