Business Law Testbanks / Reviewers
Autor: Melljonh Pesigan • April 25, 2017 • Course Note • 10,355 Words (42 Pages) • 996 Views
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- On September 21, 2010, Piolo agreed to sell his only carabao to Sam and Sam agreed to pay the price of P25,000 if Sam will pass the October 2010 CPA Examination. The list of successful examinees was released on October 21, 2010 and Sam is one of those who passed the examination. As a result,
- Piolo is entitled to the P25,000 price plus interest beginning September 21, 2010.
- Sam is entitled to the carabao and its fruits beginning September 21, 2010.
- Sam is entitled to the carabao beginning September 21, 2010 and to its fruits beginning October 21, 2010.
- Piolo shall deliver the fruits of the carabao and Sam shall pay the interest on the price beginning September 21, 2010.
- The following are elements of an obligation, except
- Active and passive subjects
- Efficient cause
- Prescription
- Vinculum
- A, B, and C owe W, X, Y, and Z the sum of P120,000. If the obligation is due, which of the following is not correct?
- A is liable only for a total of P40,000.
- W can only collect P10,000 from C
- B can be required to pay P40,000 to any of the creditors
- Y can only collect a total of P30,000
- The following pertains to facultative obligations, except:
- Comprehends only one object or prestation which is due
- Choice pertains only to the debtor
- Fortuitous loss of all prestations will extinguish the obligation
- Not given.
- An obligation subject to the happening of a future and certain event is
- Conditional obligation
- Suspensive conditional obligation
- Resolutory conditional obligation
- Obligation with a period
- S1: The debtor shall lose the right to make use of the period when he does not furnish any guaranty or security to the creditor.
S2: In an obligation subject to a suspensive period, what is suspended is birth of the obligation.
- True;true b. true;false c. false;false d. false;true
- Which of the following is not a generic obligation?
- Obligation to pay P1,000,000
- Obligation to deliver 1999 Nissan Sentra Series III
- Obligation to deliver 50 cavans of rice
- Obligation to give a delimited generic object
- I will give you my car provided that if I like to have it back, you will return the same to me.
- The obligation is void, because the fulfillment depends upon the will of the debtor.
- The obligation is void, because the fulfillment depends upon the will of the creditor.
- The obligation is valid because the condition merely causes the loss of rights already acquired.
- Both A and B.
- S1: Dog obliged himself to give Cat a specific car tomorrow. If Dog failed to deliver tomorrow after demand is made, Cat may compel Dog to do his obligation and may ask for damages.
S2: Darna obliged to deliver a car to Captain Barbel tomorrow. If Darna failed to deliver tomorrow after demand is made, Captain Barbels right is to ask a third person to deliver a car to him at the expense of Darna plus damages.
- Both statements are true.
- Both statements are false.
- Statement 1 is true while statement 2 is false.
- Statement 1 is false while statement 1 is true.
- Which of the following is not a conditional obligation?
- D to give C P1,000 if C passes the examination.
- D to pay C P1,000 if he has the means.
- D to give C a horse if C marries X.
- D is to use Cs car until C returns from Davao.
- It is the voluntary administration of the property of another without his consent.
- Negotiorum Gestio c. Quasi-delict
- Solutio Indebiti d. Contract
- A, B and C are solidary debtors of X and Y, solidary creditors, for P60,000. X makes a demand to A but the latter paid Y. In here, the obligation is not extinguished.
A and B solidary debtors of X, Y and Z, solidary creditors. X demands payment from A, but B, upon whom no demand is made paid Z the entire obligation. In here, the obligation is totally extinguished.