Business and Financial Performance of British Airways over Three Year's Period
Autor: nawreen • September 6, 2011 • Essay • 297 Words (2 Pages) • 2,340 Views
It is highly demandable and by regulation of stock exchange in modern competitive business market to publish companies business and financial performance in every year or period. All stakeholders e.g. share holder, supplier, employee, new investor, have interest to know how businesses are performing and whether businesses are able to keep growth or declining in year and year. Stake holders like to know the future stability of the business to look at companies previous and current performances.
Analysing the performance is also important to the directors as they need to find out every area they have lacking and necessary to improvement immediately to survive in the market and compete with the rivals. Directors can make decision about geographical market by simply evaluate the performance of market segmentation. The performance is also necessary to value the businesses.
Before I choose my research topic I consider my knowledge and skill that I have. I also did consider my shortcoming related to the research topics available. Then I choose number of topics at the beginning and find out most comfortable and relevant the “Business and Financial performance over a three year’s period” topic most convenient that I can handle with. I have read few literature reviews that help me find out the purpose of my research and I found the related but secondary information to carry out this research quite realistically.
As I am studying professional accountant I have gain some analytical ability and business skill and technique during my study period. On the topic “Business and Financial performance of British Airways over three year’s period” I found all my interested area such as use of account technique and business model to apply appropriately and analysis on the basis of those. Overall my business interpretation knowledge persuades me to choose this topic.