Countryside Environment Service
Autor: Jchan • June 20, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,078 Words (5 Pages) • 898 Views
Relationship conflict (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 272) arose between Vincent and Gwen immediately after Vincent’s joining the company. Vincent’s frustrations and job dissatisfaction (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 91) have been increasing with Gwen’s persistent attempts to undermine Vincent’s legitimate power (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, pp. 247-248) which was established by John upon his hiring. This is evidenced by Gwen (1) changing her job title without Vincent’s approval, (2) directly reporting to John, (3) questioning Vincent’s capability to work efficiently, (4) inserting herself as having a position of power outside of her job duties.
Communications at the organization are primarily through the “Grapevine” (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, pp. 237-238) which has resulted in employees viewing tremendous flexibility provided to Gwen by John as an indication that John and Gwen are having an affair; a rumor that is unsubstantiated and damaging to John’s ability to influence (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 257) employees. Gwen’s personal problems negatively affect job performance and her attitude towards co-workers, which has been attributed to two employees’ resigning, as well as the impending resignation of Andy.
Vincent and other employees are on edge because of Gwen’s improper workplace behaviors. Vincent is not communicating directly with Gwen; instead seeking support and corrective action from John. However, John has simply responded by stating that the situation will resolve itself, therefore conflicts are not being resolved and are escalating (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 274).
Gwen had been experiencing difficulties with her husband that affected her performance at work; her continued behavioural problems worsened with the support of John. Her self-concept (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, pp. 57-58) is that of a key player in the company because of her seniority and a close relationship with John Hopkins. In contrast, Vincent understood that Gwen was supposed to play a support role in the team, and as a result, conflict has arisen through ambiguous rules and poor communication (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 274) resulting in negative outcomes.
Another source of conflict is “scarce resources” (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 276) as Gwen has used Vincent’s salary level (a scarce resource) to undermine Vincent’s worth, and to underscore her own perceived value. By doing this, she has “Voiced” (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 93) her feelings of job dissatisfaction (McShane, Steen, & Tasa, 2015, p. 91).
Expressing her dissatisfaction in this way also carries ethical implications that can negatively influence