Degradation of Society
Autor: zacknkori • November 18, 2011 • Essay • 333 Words (2 Pages) • 2,724 Views
The days of chivalry and respect seem to be long gone these days. Over the past 25 years, society as a whole has become more rude and disrespectful. I believe there are many contributing factors that have led to this rudeness. Selfishness is the root of all this and has led to many other by products such as disrespect to parents and the lack of accountability to anyone. This seems to be the age of tolerance and acceptance because we all have to accept people just the way they are. Society is in fear about being accountable and being able to tell someone else that they are doing something wrong. Many churches have allowed this to creep in also, where we get the "feel good" gospel and sin is overlooked and become accepted. In a 2002 survey, 79 percent of people said there is a serious problem with lack of respect and courtesy in society today ("How rude," 2004). A 91 percent said today's young people are especially rude. Kids treat their parents and teachers with disrespect and also treat each other badly ("How rude," 2004). There are many things to blame on this but it all comes back to selfishness. For example, I am in the military and I have been for about 12 years now. For just the time I have been in I have seen a complete turnaround from when I came and the troops coming in know. The disrespect and attitude that some of these kids have is crazy. The parents are to take some of this blame also. We need to stand up for what is right and care and protect for our children. We need to teach them God's way. All good manners can be summed up in one sentence: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, treat others as you want to be treated ("How rude," 2004).
How rude. (2004). Know Your World Extra, 37(9), Retrieved from