Various Ancient Societies - Dreams Case
Autor: peter • April 4, 2011 • Essay • 1,539 Words (7 Pages) • 1,964 Views
Background: throughout this semester so far we have been looking at how various ancient societies viewed sleep, dreams, omens, and portents and how various scholarly fields ( philosophy, & experimental psychology) view them today. We have seen that there are two basic view points on dreams both of then and now—that they could have meaning, e.g. as diagnostic or as predictive or as oracular, or that they do not have meaning, e.g. as Aristotle argued. Given the rise or reemergence, of other religious groups/churches/ movements/ect. Which, employ or stress dreams, visions, and the like, it is highly likely that you will be confronted by individuals from such and asked about your views on dreams (and vision/portents) and be expected to defend your views.
Prompt: Is your view on dreams( and, by extension, visions) the same now as it was at the beginning of the semester? If so, show how the course content has helped to confirm your viewpoint. If not, show how the course content has helped to change your viewpoint.
When I started this class this semester my view on dreams where very broad. I feel like there are many different types of dreams some have meaning and some don't. The reason I believe this is because throughout your life you will have many different dreams. They could be scary, inspiring, depressing, comical, and meaningful. One reason I believe there are different types of dreams is because there are so many factors. The first factor that has effect on your dreams is your mood before you go to sleep. For example if you go bed in stressed out moods add more moods this could affect how your dreams play out. I also believe can your dreams can play out future events. There are many factors of this to my beliefs. I do feel like there is higher power out there that could affect your dreams for example it can inspire you to do something to improve mankind. I also feel like we sometimes are dreams play out cretin situations that is in correspondence with or daily lives. I also believe that dreams also come from your imagination. So thro half of this semester we have learned about many philosophers' beliefs about their dreams. Their beliefs has changed my views on dreams a bit and it has also helped back my views of dreams.
One of first things we covered in class where about the Egyptian Dream Book & Babylonian- Assyrian Dream Book. The Egyptian Dream book was very simple to understand it listed examples of dreams and next to it told you if it was a good dream or a bad dream and then it gave the meaning of the dream. If the dream had a bad meaning you would have prey as soon as you woke up to the gods to drive away the evil. The Babylonian- Assyrian Dream Book The Babylonian-Assyrian Dream book gives you bunch of if this happens in your dream then this is what it brings you. When you wake from your dream and it was bad the Babylonian would prey to make sure the evil would not affect him or come near him.