End Term Requirement
Autor: jemmers • March 3, 2015 • Research Paper • 3,058 Words (13 Pages) • 923 Views
End Term Requirement
To be submitted on or before March 5, 2015 @ 630PM
- Introduction
- Business Profile
- Background
- Form of Ownership
- Mission/Vision
- Other information
C. Presentation and Analysis
-Current Issues/Problems in the Organization.
-SWOT Analysis (TOWS Matrix, EFE & IFE Matrix)
-Strategy Matrix using CPM, BCG, etc (Use only one among them).
D. PROPOSED CORPORATE STRATEGIC PLAN (To answer the identified problems) –(SAMPLE ONLY)
This proposed corporate strategic plan is comprised of three parts: the strategic formulation, the strategic implementation, and the strategic evaluation.
Strategic formulation comprises primarily of the strategic goals of the company. The strategic intents are formed based on the information gained from analyzing the internal and external environments of the company.
AT&C Micro Credit Corporation embraces excellence and is committed to consistently deliver the best quality financing services, in all its clientele being served and to provide a supportive work environment that inspires respect, teamwork and professionalism among the people composing the organization.
To promote excellence, the company will:
- Organize a Dynamic Team Who Will Handle the Operations in Hong Kong. Upon approval of the BOD, thorough planning, preparation and appropriate action should be carried out to implement the plan. It is imperative to develop a dynamic team to handle the new operations in Hong Kong.
- Develop the Organizational Culture. It is a culture where employees work as a dynamic team, are highly motivated and efficient. A good working environment where employees and shareholders shall consistently grow in a culture that focuses on the best interests of the clients and the company.
- Foster Protection of Employees and Promote Career Advancement. Career advancement, through proper training and seminars, empowerment and enforcement of employees’ skills, will fuel their competence to achieve excellent job performance. The motivation of employees through competitive salaries, equitable fringe benefits, improved standard of living and healthcare programs is a primary tool to enhance their performance level.
- Acquire Advanced Facilities and Equipment. The management will invest on the acquisition of advanced facilities and equipment to improve its operational performance. In addition, the acquisition of new equipment like computers and the creation of a company website will complement the thrust of AT&C Micro Credit to be highly competitive and to cater to more clientele.
- Widen Its Market Scope by Capturing More Clients. AT&C Micro Credit will maximize its resources and potentials by expanding its profit base through the creation of a branch company in Hong Kong capturing the Filipino OFWs to provide them their financing needs.
- Promote Efficiency and Quality. Excellence is measured by the quality of its output. This will be achieved by maximizing the company’s resources, enhancing manpower skills, utilizing advanced technology to improve the operations and securing financial stability.
- Promote Corporate Social Responsibility. As a way of embracing excellence, AT&C Micro Credit will continue to promote its social responsibility by donating part of its income to support civic projects and other social activities, primarily on alleviating the lives of Filipino OFWs in Hong Kong and ecological preservation. The company will see to it that its corporate social responsibility is intertwined with the way it is conducting business.
Strategic Corporate Goals
The strategic goals designed are expected to be achieved within three (3) years of operations in Hong Kong. Within the period, AT&C Micro Credit Corporation will:
- Utilize a Corporate Manual that will cover the Administrative and Operations Management System which will be used by the branch company in Hong Kong.
- Establish a trademark in Hong Kong, known to its customers as a reputable finance company.
- Increase the number of clients to at least 25% yearly.
- Achieve efficiency in the management of its financial affairs.
- Increase profitability level through aggressive marketing and service efficiency and capturing more markets.
- Achieve customer satisfaction through the delivery of efficient and quality services using advanced technology.
Corporate Strategies
After identifying the major concerns, the proponent has developed the following levels of strategies for AT&C Micro Credit Corporation to be performed for its new Hong Kong branch:
A. Short-term Strategy
The short-term (immediate) strategy is designed for instantaneous implementation to prepare the organization for its take-off in achieving its goal. The proponent identified the urgency of improving the operational system of AT&C Micro Credit as a way to prepare the company to carry out its medium-term and long-term strategies, especially in preparing its new off-shore branch in Hong Kong.