Eu Historical Development
Autor: rita • November 22, 2011 • Essay • 2,545 Words (11 Pages) • 1,910 Views
Historical development:
EU political and economic.
Introduction: history/reasons
In the 20th century, Europe experienced two world wars; both were equally destructive. World War One 1914 – 1918, World War Two 1939 – 1945. Shortly after the Second World War it was decided to unite the individual countries of Europe in the hope of giving lasting harmony and peace as well as political, social and economic wellbeing to all nations.
• 1945-1959: Consisted of the six original founder members are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
• Common market trade agreement. What was it?
The common market trade agreement was originally a contract/agreement/pact between two or more nations that outlines how they will work together to ensure mutual benefit in the field of trade and investment. Such trade agreements may involve co-operation in the field of Research and Development. Another benefit was the lowering of import duties to be levied on the other partners' exports, guaranteeing any investments made by the partner(s) in the home market, co-operation on the tax front, etc.
In 1974? The UK eventually joined the Common Market after France had repeatedly objected. President de Gaulle on two occasions stops the UK's application to join European Economic Community (EEC) on false basis that the existing six original members would be broken up. In 1972 Britain joined what was the known as the Common Market; in 1974 a referendum on whether we should stay in the Common Market.
The French President, Charles de Gaulle, has for a second time said he will veto Britain's application to join the Common Market.
He warned France's five partners in the European Economic Community (EEC) that if they tried to impose British membership on France it would result in the break-up of the community. UK only had signed up to be a member of the EEC and not Europe Union.
• What are the main advantages for the UK?
1.Free Trade with EU trading partners. Trade with EU countries now accounts for over 60% of UK's trade (compared to 16% for US). This has helped create jobs in the export sector and is an important determinant of UK growth.
2. Lower Prices for Consumers. Free trade and increased competitiveness of the EU has enabled consumers to benefit from lower prices, at least for some goods.
3. Regional aid. Areas like S. Wales and the North East of England benefited from European regional grants which helped aid and improve these local economies. However the UK no longer has any relatively deprived areas (after eastern countries entered)