Autor: delfilu • December 11, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,470 Words (6 Pages) • 806 Views
Informative essay
All over the history of man we have seen that the unions between nations and countries have changed a lot. We come from the Middle Ages political system where power was located in the pope and in the kings, this when talking with a Eurocentric point of view; and that the relationships between the kingdoms changed constantly and it was highly polarized. After this system came to an end the world saw the Balance of Power System were the power was on the biggest and wealthiest empires, the grade of polarity was high since every country was on their own and they only unite to fight another empire that was getting to much power. Anti-power of Balance System came with the XX century where power was located in the industrial countries; with the Second World War a new system came where power was located only in the Greater Powers such as Germany, Japan, USSR, UK and the USA. When defeating the Nazis the power went to the two major powers, the USA and the USSR, making the international politics to bipolarize around these two major powers. At last we come to the modern system, a multipolar system that is divided around the economic blocks that form the world, such as the European Union, the Mercosur, the BRIC, etc.
On this essay I will talk about how we reached they system we have now a days that is a multipolar system, and how it is related to the context of globalization.
The multipolar was formed after the fall of the Berlin wall and subsequent fall of the USSR. Before this there was a bipolar international system, where the USA and the USSR fought on proxy wars for the control of some territories around the world; this wares were not fought directly between each other, but they gave military aid and economical support to the faction they wanted them to win; the best example of this wars is the Afghanistan Soviet Invasion where the USSR tried to invade this country in central Asia and the USA gave aid to the rebels to fight against the communists (Gregory Feifer, 2008).
This bipolarization of the world gave lots of problems to countries that where controlled by the USSR, an example of this is the Eastern European nations that because of the iron curtain between the west and the east they couldn’t benefit themselves of the progress the western European nations had. As well some countries that were under the control of the USA suffered the neoliberal economic policies, and example of this is the South American dictatorship’s that took the whole continent to a pro-yanquee attitude and did most of the national markets to shrink and start importing more goods than what they produced; examples of this is Argentina and its policy to buy foreign products before national products this did the national industry to almost disappear (Luis Majul, 1990).
After the fall of the USSR the world started to open more and lots of states started to win more power at regional levels and started to form continental trade blocks. The most well know of this blocks is the European Union that was formed after the WWII by some of the Western European powers, they tried to bond together to cooperate between each other and to get out of the crisis the WWII left over them. On the 90´s some new trade blocks were form such as the Mercosur and the NAFTA; this brought a continent divided by the 80´s dictatorship come closer and starts the continental union.