Google Case Analysis
Autor: thomasb85 • July 21, 2015 • Research Paper • 1,214 Words (5 Pages) • 1,318 Views
Google Case Analysis
Google is one of the most influential companies in the growth of the internet in the 21st century. One of Google’s biggest strengths is all of the open source products and services provided to consumers. Google has an app for just about everything, which in today’s technology driven society puts them in the hands of millions of people every day. The main focus of the company is the quality of its products and services along with providing an amazing customer experience. This experience is enhanced by the products and services which makes it a customized experience for every user.
Just by looking at the price on Google stock, it is obvious that they are creating a large revenue stream. Google’s 2015 first quarter revenue was 17.3 billion, up 12 percent from 2014 (Tilley, 2015). According to Google held 64.4 percent of the search engine market share in January 2015. Having access to the largest group of internet users worldwide and providing innovative products users can integrate into their everyday life gives Google strength to be at the top and compete with the bet companies that come around.
There are endless opportunities for Google. The driverless car that is being created will change how the world operates. A company Google purchased called Nest is creating an interconnected home with the internet. Google’s large share of mobile users will help this become a great opportunity for the company. Consumers are constantly buying and upgrading and purchasing new smart phones which will keep Google’s Android operating system in place to create opportunities. The creation of Google’s fiber optic network will change speed users transfer data. Google already has some free internet services it provides to users with this service. Google TV is a new service that Google provides and can tap into a growing market of consumers who do not purchase a cable subscription. Google glass has many outlets it can support such as healthcare, engineering, and everyday consumer life. The development of robots that can perform surgery is putting Google at the forefront of the technology world. Google teaming up with Johnson and Johnson is making this venture possible (Kovach, 2015). Social networking is a big part of today’s society and with Google + Google is becoming part of that market and growing.
The expansion of Google was obstructed by the government such as US and Chinese authority. They viewed Google as a monopoly and request authority to monitor its activities (Google, 2009). However, this barrier does not affect Google's operations as Google responded immediately to the customers by addressing its policies in regard to political/legal aspects (Google 2009). Google focuses on highly targeted, measurable advertising, thus making it more successful than other competitors. The crucial need to stay up to date and continuously connected keeps its core services vibrant despite the parched surroundings due to economic recession (Google, 2009).