Group Assignment Guidelines
Autor: eric001 • January 10, 2014 • Study Guide • 372 Words (2 Pages) • 1,379 Views
Group Assignment (Weight: 10% of the final grade)
The assignment is intended to assess how well students, working in a group, are able to apply concepts and theories in international finance in the analysis of real world issues/problems.
Students are to form groups with 3 members by Week 3 at the latest. You may register or sign up your group through the course website, in the section Written Assignment of the website. In case you need assistance with this, please contact the tutor for the course, Mr. Sudharshan Paramati (email:
Each group is required to submit an assignment on a particular topic and/or questions to be assigned by the teaching team.
Students who have already formed their group should immediately contact the tutor, Mr. Sudharshan Paramati (email:, to obtain their topic.
The assignment should
- have a maximum of 1500 words (tables, graphs and list of references excluded); for assignments that exceed 1,500 words, only the first 1,500 words will be considered.
- be typewritten, double line-spaced, presented on A4 paper, and
- have appropriate citations and referencing; there should be a list of references (in proper style at the end of the assignment)
- a cover sheet
In your assignment, you should attempt to make the best use of the information that has been provided to you. However, you should also attempt to obtain other updated information which would allow you to provide the best answer to the questions. This means that you should