Human Resource Management - Nature of Hr Planning
Autor: peter • July 12, 2012 • Essay • 1,193 Words (5 Pages) • 1,809 Views
3. Planning& competence assessment
3.1. Nature of HR planning (HRP)& differences between mp&hrp
Manpower planning: genesis(co ban) of HRP, considered as a process to achieve optimum resource capability and types of employees to meet organization goals. It's a process by which an organization ensure right number at right position& time. HR managers had to balance demand of HR and supply of HR( from internal: promotion, transfer activities/external: advertisement). Ex: hospital: 200 bedsī 100 nurses& 50 skills doctors. Forecasting future manpower requirements, where we use mathematical projections, to project trends in the economic environment and development of the industry.
Making an inventory of present manpower resources and assessing the extent to which these resources are employed optimally. Procuring competent personnel requires positive recruitment efforts and the development of a variety of recruitment sources. These sources just consider not only the nature and conditions of the external labor market, but also the presence of qualified personnel who are available to fill vacancies through internal promotions or transfers. Anticipating manpower problems by projecting present resources into the future and comparing them with the forecast of requirements to determine their adequacy, both quantitatively and qualitatively; and Planning the necessary programs of requirement, selection, training, development, utilization, transfer, promotion, motivation and compensation to ensure that future manpower requirements are properly met.
Nature of HRP: broad- based than MP. is the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required numbers of employees with the required skills are available when and where they are needed. Human resource planning includes four factors: quantity(of employees need), quality, space, time. Main principle of HR planning: Mr. Vimal Kumar"chief founder of NITIN INTERNATIONAL, HRP must integrate to other areas of biz strategies; co-ordinate and reconcile(giang hoa) the demands for human resources from different departments, to standardize and supervise departmental assessments of requirements and to produce a comprehensive organizational plan. Time plan for building HRP. The scope and details of the plan have to be determined Human resource planning must be based on the most comprehensive and accurate information that is possible Feature of HRP: It's a systematic approach. Cause it ensures a continuous and proper staffing. It avoids or checks on occupational imbalances (shortage or surplus) occurring in any of the department of the organization. There is a visible continuity in the process. (Based on Wickstrom's definition) There is a certain degree of flexibility. That is, it is subject to modifications according to needs of the organization or the changing