Identification of Communication Barriers
Autor: som.jindal • March 12, 2015 • Creative Writing • 662 Words (3 Pages) • 1,072 Views
- Becoming distracted or day dreaming: Receiver barrier (Noise)
The receiver may be distracted due to external factors, such as the place, weather etc.
- Interrupting: Receiver barrier (Interpersonal)
This may happen due to difference in opinions between the sender and the receiver.
- Fixing other people’s problems: Receiver barrier (Intrapersonal)
The receiver might have such a personality.
- Finishing another person’s sentences: Receiver barrier (Intrapersonal)
The receiver is closed minded. He wants to receive the information the way he wants.
- Making assumptions about people
based on their accents or dress : Sender & Receiver barrier (Cultural)
The sender and the receiver belonging to two different cultures shape and guide their own perception, behavior, way of thinking as per their respective cultures.
- Bias towards your own values &
experiences : Sender & Receiver barrier (Intrapersonal)
In this case, people have prejudices which don’t let them accept any deviation from acceptable point of view of oneself.
- Overusing closed questions: Sender barrier (Intrapersonal)
The personality of the sender is such that he doesn’t want an open discussion, hence, he asks closed questions which can be answered straightforwardly.
- Not being aware of non-verbal cues: Sender& Receiver barrier(Semantic)
This semantic barrier may lead to misconceptions and miscommunications as the non verbal cues such as body language, tone, elements of voice, play an equally important role.