In the Trenches at the Talent Wars: Competitive Interaction for Scarse Human Resources
Autor: MLone • November 20, 2012 • Essay • 342 Words (2 Pages) • 1,366 Views
A number of indicators suggest that the social norms that once deterred labor market competitors
from hiring or “poaching” each others’ employees are breaking down. This study explores the
competitive interaction that results when one firm attempts to hire employees from a competing
firm (known as “talent raiding”). Results suggest that attributes of the raiding firm, the targeted
firm, and targeted human capital will affect how a targeted firm responds to a talent raid. The
study suggests a number of tactics raiding firms can use to avoid retaliation and suggests tactics
targeted firms can use to repel would-be talent raiders
“Competition to the businessman is whatever
he has to do to get business away from
his rivals and whatever they do to take sales
away from him” (Dean, 1954, p. 8).
The key resource for firms competing in the
new economy is no longer land, capital, or hard
assets but the human capital necessary to
adapt organizations to global competition and
maximize the benefits associated with the current
technological boom. The connection between
human capital and financial success is
not a secret held by a few firms but an understanding
shared by top management teams
across all sectors of the economy. Although
the American economy is much weaker than
it was five years ago, the unemployment rate