Indirect and Direct Exchange
Autor: Johnsocd85 • February 23, 2014 • Essay • 433 Words (2 Pages) • 1,154 Views
In Unit 2, I learn to navigate the Virtual Campus with easy and confidence. I also learned that certain shortcuts are helpful and at times are not because you do not get all the information needed. I learned how to change my viewing from tabs to icon view, where to find the e-books that will be used for each classroom and also the learning material that will be used and asked of us throughout our course of studies, and live chat for communicating with your instructor. I love the fact that if I’m not available during the times of the chats that I have the opportunity to go back and see them because each chat is recorded. I now feel more comfortable and confident about taking online classes. I would like to talk about the process to posting to a Discussion Board and submitting and Individual Project.
When post to the Discussion Board you first click on Classroom, then click on the Assignment tab which is located below the Classroom tab on the left hand side. After clicking on Assignment, you will see a dropbox below that will allow you to choose the Unit and Assignment. Click on the appropriate Unit and Assignment, from there, you will click on the tab that says Discussion Board, scroll down and click on the Unit 2 Discussion Board. On the top right hand of the page you will see New Post, you will click on this tab to post your Main Post to the Discussion Board. To post a comment on your classmates post, you will click on that individual post, scroll down and you will see a tab that says Reply.
You will get to the Individual Project assignment using the same steps as getting to the Discussion Board. The difference is when you select Unit 2 Individual Project tab under assignment; you will then click the Submissions tab. After clicking the Submissions tab, you will click the New Submission tab on the right side. You will than type in the Title of the project and click Add Files tab to attach your needed documents and click the Submit to Instructor.