Industrial Relation Individual Assignment
Autor: Steven Chan • January 23, 2018 • Essay • 2,325 Words (10 Pages) • 837 Views
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Industrial Relation Individual Assignment
Name: Chan Lai Siong
ID: 00013313
Subject code: BM3307
Table of Content
Assignment question 1 Pg 3-6
Assignment Question 2 Pg 7-8
References Pg 9
Turnitin report Pg 10
Marking scheme Pg 11
- Evaluate critically the reasons for the employees to join union and why isn’t there a union in AirAsia? Would a union be beneficial for Airasia workers and shareholders? Discuss.
There are pro’s and con’s for employees to join a trade union. What is trade union? Trade union is an organization that made up mostly by all the employees. The aims of creating a union are to ensure the rights and benefits of its members. However, trade union does not bring advantages to the employers. This is because employers will restrict by the nature of trade union. For example, employers cannot react quickly to the changes or decisions because of the contract of union.
Why employees have to join union? First of all, union can ask for a better pay from employers and also take up negotiation regarding conditions and benefits for their members. This process of negotiation is also known as ‘collective bargaining’. However, in a simplest way to explain, a union should have recognition from the employers in order to continue its bargaining or signing agreements. Next, the negotiation process usually contains fewer stages such as preparation, opening, trading and agreement. Preparation is research on what should be improve and prepare the case. Then, opening is a process of propose and responding from both sides. For example, the union will offer a lower wages pay rate if a particular employer agreed on giving better benefits and compensations.
In the research of George l. Long, it stated that a union member has a higher average pay rates than a non-union member. The differences of average pay rates between member of union and non-union member is from $23.02 per hour to $19.51 per hour. (George, 2013) In sum, employees who are members of trade union earns higher than non-union members.
Supports can know as another major reason for employees to join a union. This is union have some power to influence organization’s rules and therefore to protect their members rights from self-willed dismissal or action by their employers. (Media planet, 2015) Hence, the supports are linked together that union will provide training for their members in order to strengthen their professional in particular fields. As a result, it will decrease turnover rates in workplaces as to achieve job security for their employees. On the other hand, some people join union because it stated on their employment contract that they compulsory to join.