Internal Process - Strategy for Khn to the College’s Board of Trustees
Autor: Kexin Zheng • February 23, 2015 • Essay • 1,230 Words (5 Pages) • 1,041 Views
Internal process
The latest data shows that around 20-30 private colleges are opened and grew every year. Also, a number of state governments have opened up their own colleges. According to these, Pn. Faridah perceives that the private college market more crowded. A recent study by an independent consultant shows the position of a number of private colleges. From the study, can be find that the KHN is in the upper level.
Pn. Faridah decides to propose some strategy for KHN to the college’s board of trustees.
Ip1 Increase employer’s rating of college’s graduate
Employers always value a college degree, but in nowadays, it becomes a trouble to find graduates qualified to fill positions at their company or organization. Who takes on one or two new employees a year, isn't alone in finding recent graduates weak in those areas. While fresh hires had the right technical know-how for the job, said most employers in the survey, they grumbled that colleges weren't adequately preparing students in written and oral communication, decision-making, and analytical and research skills.
Ip2 Increase student evaluation
At most colleges and universities, student rating of courses are important for several reasons. Probably, the most benefit of student evaluations is the feedback the forms provide directly to instructors, so that teacher can refine their course and teaching experiences. Although the evaluation can show what they are doing right and suggest tips for improvement, and may help faculty do some significant changes. To aid teachers who want to use student feedback to spark changes in their teaching strategies and methods.
Student and always try to build a conceptual bridge from their level of comprehension with their lectures.
Ip3 Increase lecture-student ratio
The current lecture-student ratio at KHN is below the ratio of 1:27 set by the government. Student performance drops lecture-student as ratios increase. Too-high-ratios, with large number of students supported by only a single teacher. Which are burdens to education, which must spend more time disciplining students or trying to gain their attention.
Among colleges and universities, the lecture-student ratio is often a major selling point attracted some promotional materials to emphasize academic quality. Higher lecture-student ratios are an obstacle to critical interaction between these two groups. Lower student-teacher ratios allow faculty to carefully tailor their teaching
Ip4 Improve qualification of faculty
Scholars attend universities to glean direct knowledge from expert faculty members, but with too many students to attend to, instructors may be left to drown in paperwork, curriculum development and grading.
Market research shows that the annual fees for degree programs tend to be 25 percent higher than diploma programs. However, KHN will have to comply with the ministry’s requirement that its lectures posses master degree programs. This will require hiring more master qualified faculty or sending the current lectures to further their studies.