Leadership, a Myth or a Concept
Autor: savkouv • November 8, 2013 • Essay • 371 Words (2 Pages) • 1,482 Views
Leadership is defined as ‘the process in which an individual influences the group of individuals to attain a common goal. The goal is attained by mutual cooperation and cohesive behavior. A leader infuses a sense of positivity and directs others to reach the specified goal. Leadership is something that leaders do, not something they have. Leadership involves influencing a group’s activities toward the accomplishment of certain goals. It is a process involving the behavior of both a leader and followers. Leadership, as an influence process, emphasizes the relationship between two or more persons who depend on each other for the attainment of mutual goals within a specific situation. The dynamics of this situation include the leader, the follower and the specific situation. Leadership is the result of an exchange between followers and a leader and must carry satisfaction for both parties. In accepting a leader’s ways of doing things, followers voluntarily give up some of their freedom to make decisions. In effect, followers permit another person, the leader, to male certain decisions that affect them in specific situations. In return for permitting themselves to be influenced by another person, followers want to receive certain economic and psychic rewards from the leader.
Various theories have been formulated by psychologists to explain the traits of a leader. Certain traits of a good leader were listed by the researchers as: intelligence, extraversion, and adjustment, openness to experience, general self-efficacy and conscientiousness. It has been inferred that an individual possessing these traits results as a good leader.
Another theory suggests that great events lead an ordinary individual to emerge as a leader. Then there is a third theory which emphasizes that leadership is a transformation or a process. Anyone can become a leader by learning the leadership skills.
A leader is someone who stands not only for his cause but