Listen to What Life Calls You to Do
Autor: Violet Trang • November 28, 2015 • Case Study • 2,034 Words (9 Pages) • 952 Views
Listen to what life calls you to do
When an idea becomes so realistic in your head, there comes a point at which it becomes ‘impossible’ not to act on it. That exactly what I experienced during my childhood and what caused me to move to the United States by myself at the age of 17.
Being raised by a loving and caring family at which I was able to be a child till that very age it was hard to stand at my own two feet for once. The baby bird had to fly. Both literally as well as figuratively.
My parents tell me that ever since I was able to talk I was talking about going to America and make it there. Live the “American dream”. When I’m asked what drives me to go there I’m never able to give a (concrete) tangible answer. I had never been to the US, I had never been far away by myself either. I didn’t know anyone in the US and my English was as good as that of a 10 year old. The reason was so obvious to me but to anyone else it was a complete mystery: after all, I had everything any kid could ever ask for.
I had to go to America because that is where I belonged. This feeling inside, this drive and determination to go explore the land of possibilities and adventure.
Life called me to travel, travel to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Life also called me to travel outside of the US because it calls me to explore and experience.
I guess that’s ‘life’.
In order to explain the reason I am feeling drawn to the US I have to note that I believe in reincarnation. I strongly feel that the life I am living right now is not my first life. Even though I know it is something that I cannot ever prove, even if I wanted to.
I feel that I’m being drawn back to my heritage, a past life as an explorer of the new world. Is that perhaps what triggered this idea, this urge, this desire of going to America? Is life calling me to do something the same thing as life telling me to keep developing myself and to keep growing to become a better person?
The drive and urge to explore keeps me doing what I do. It’s not even conscious most of the time, it is something I do and what I enjoy doing.
Life calls me to learn about different people, different religions, different cultures and about different lifestyles. Life calls me to go to America when my world is about to becoming too small. Life calls me to go work at an extremely primitive summer camp for 3 months when I’m starting to lose sense of what is normal (and what is not). Most of all life calls me to keep doing what I do best: Life calls me to live.
Observe, suspending the Voice of Judgment and connect with your sense of wonder
Because of our pasts and because of the way we are used to living our lives it is sometimes hard not to judge at the first look of something.
When a men gets on the train with two children and is not acting on his children’s behavior when the children are acting out, running around and yelling, it is easy to judge his parental skills.
Most of the people in the train are taking notice of it and look at the father with eyes that speak louder than words.