Managerial Eco
Autor: simba • October 17, 2013 • Case Study • 455 Words (2 Pages) • 1,613 Views
Boutaina Berrada
Sophia Berriane
ECO 5305
Homework 3 (Chapter 5):
1- Elasticity of each variable:
First, we find Qd= 24,850 units
- Price elasticity = -10 *(7,000/66,000) = -1.06
So, demand is elastic and for each decrease of 1% in price, there is an increase of 1.06% in quantity demanded.
- Advertising elasticity = 1500 *(54/66,000) = 1.23
So, for each 1% increase in advertising expense there will be a 1.23 % increase in quantity demanded.
- Cross elasticity = 4 *(8000/66,000) = 0.48
Since cross-elasticity> 0, this means that the products are substitutes
- Income elasticity = 2* (4000/66,000) = 0.12
This means that the the product is a normal good but non-cyclical.
2- t-statistics for each variable:
- t for Price: 10 / 2.29 = 4.37
- t for Advertising: 1500 / 525 = 2.86
- t for Competitor's price: 4 / 1.75 = 2.29
- t for Income: 2 / 1.5 = 1.33
Except income, all independent variables are significant. Thus, all the other variables have an effect on the quantity demanded.
3- R2 value:
R2 = RSS/TSS = 1 - (ESS/TSS)
TSS = sum of squared deviations of the sample values of Y from their mean
RSS = sum of squared deviations of the estimated values