Mgmt 1001 - Communication in Business
Autor: 静文 史 • May 5, 2016 • Research Paper • 2,149 Words (9 Pages) • 767 Views
MGMT1001 Communication in Business
Assessment 1 Critical Essay
First name: Jingwen
Last name: Shi
Student ID: 18516715
Email: jingwen.shi
Title: Critical essay of Communication of Business
Name of Company: Philip Morris International
Date submitted: Dec.7, 2015
Tutorial Time: Tue.4 pm
Word Count: 1736(Not include reference list and cover sheet)
Critical Essay of Communication in Business
Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) is a global tobacco company which aimed at providing highly qualified products to grown up smokers while deduct the harmful effects of smoking whereas sustainable development is the way they advocate of operation, Marlboro—the world’s most well-known cigarette brand is one of the six top brands of PMI.( Philip Morris International Management SA 2015a).This essay will talk about the achievements on environment and issues that are need to be improved on health of PMI and the effects of the two issues on both society and stakeholders before proposing a conclusion.
Positive performance on environment
In order to improve the PMI have developed international programs to reduce the consumption of water and wastes in order to increase reusing rate as well as recycling rate. Besides spending a large amount of effort on water reduction, reuse, and recycling, reduce emission of CO2 as well as energy using are also included in the global environmmental protection project. (Philip Morris International Management SA, 2015b)
In 2010,manufacture center of PMI has got a certificate that reached an international standard of ISO 14001:2004 which indicates PMI’s aim of minimizing impact on environment for their business activities, obey adequate environmental laws and regulations as well as other requirements on environment, improve the categories above continuously. PMI has made great progress on energy reduction as well as water usage, reduction on water usage had reached 69.4% in 2010 comparing with 2004, which equaled 28 Olympic sized swimming pools annually. In the same year, PMI started a new system-rain water harvesting system, this system is used to collect and store on-site rain water which is the best substitute of potable water, supplying cooling towers; this system enabled PMI reduced consumption of portable water of 6 million liters each year. Energy use in 2010 of PMI was 61.5% less than 6 years before--equivalent to the electricity consumption used by more than 6,500 household in Victoria State per year. Generation of CO2-equivalent gases through manufacture process has reduced over 27,400 tons each year from 2004 to 2010, this also leads to the result of decrease on waste output by 52% within 6 years. (In 2004, waste output was 2,800 tons while it fell dramatically to 1,339 tons in 2010) (Philip Morris Australia 2015c)