Nike Corporate Social Responsibility
Autor: Edgardo Vieytes • November 4, 2015 • Essay • 276 Words (2 Pages) • 1,367 Views
1. What stimulated the engagement of NIKE Corporate Social Responsibility ? What
change did this make in the company´s attitudes and actions ?
Nike was facing problems caused by pictures taken of children working in Asian countries producing Nike equipments ( soccer balls) and the image of the company was damaged and also the value for costumers was deeply compromised.
Just after the crises Nike decided to create a team to responsible for corporate sustainability to defend it self from the accusations and after that they manage to incorporate that philosophy in all sectors of the company adding value to its costumers and the brand
2. How did Nike insert CSR governance in its management structure? How is this
structure? Why and how did this action help to disseminate CSR through the company ?
They created a board team responsible exclusive for CSR and made several actions in order to transmit the corporate sustainability responsibility to all levels at the company and stakeholders, ( suppliers, clients, partners,etc..)
Because of those actions they manage to engage all stakeholders into CSR policy changing complete the episode of the children in Asia.
3. Why is it important to incorporate CSR in the operations ? How did Nike do this ?
Which role did innovation play regarding this matter ?
It was important to show to its costumers that Nike was really concerned about the problem not only as a marketing advertisement campaign, they involved the communities, the people,ONG, into the actions taken creating a bond that was important for the brand link the CSR policy.
Even when they changed the responsable