Opportunity Analysis and Marketing Mix Plan
Autor: silentnails • August 1, 2015 • Essay • 1,224 Words (5 Pages) • 1,278 Views
ASSESSMENT #2 and #3: Opportunity Analysis and Marketing Mix Plan
This piece of assessment comprises of two components: (1) Opportunity Analysis and (2) Marketing Mix Plan; which altogether contribute to a complete/overall Marketing Plan. For this reason, students are required to complete the opportunity analysis first and then following this, they will be required to complete the marketing mix plan. Both the opportunity analysis and marketing mix plan are due on different dates.
- Opportunity Analysis DUE: Monday 20th April 2015, by 5.00pm (Week 7)
Word count: 1300 words +/- 10%; and
- Marketing Mix Plan DUE: Monday 18th May 2015, by 5.00pm (Week 11)
Word count: 1300 words +/- 10%
The purpose of this assessment task is for students to demonstrate their understanding of the components involved in a marketing plan and, in doing so, complete an opportunity analysis and marketing mix plan based on a specific topic. The marketing plan is divided into two sections as stated above (i.e., opportunity analysis and marketing mix plan). We have structured the marketing plan in this manner to enable students to receive feedback on their first submission (i.e., opportunity analysis) as to build into their second submission (i.e., marketing mix plan).
The marketing plan is an individual assessment piece.
First submission: Submit ONLY the opportunity analysis. The opportunity analysis is the only component which will be marked and graded.
Second submission: Submit BOTH the opportunity analysis and the marketing mix plan. Only the marketing mix plan will be graded in the second submission. We want the opportunity analysis to be included in this submission as the markers will need to understand certain components in the opportunity analysis which build on decisions made in the marketing mix plan. Students should present the marketing plan as a whole document, not two individual assessment items i.e. have a table of contents which captures both the opportunity analysis and marketing plan together as one.
There are TWO companies/product ranges for which students can choose from:
- NBL (Australian National Basketball “Men’s” League); OR
- Nestle Chocolate
TOPIC 1: NBL (Australian National Basketball “Men’s” League)
[pic 1]
Over a number of years, we have witnessed the demise of the Australian Men’s Basketball League. Once a prospering sport, nationally occupying over 20 teams to its current standing of eight teams (i.e. seven from Australia and one from New Zealand). Whilst basketball still appears to have a place in many Australian households where a prospering number of juniors are playing the game, at a national level this has reduced. Despite the decline in participation of basketball teams nationally, the NBLs international presence remains strong.