Origin Green Report - Sustainable Business
Autor: Cindy Beech • December 8, 2017 • Course Note • 1,892 Words (8 Pages) • 859 Views
Origin Green[pic 1]
Origin Green has published 2 reports, and this one is the second one (2016).
It was launched in 2012 and the ambition was to be the world leader in sustainability produced food and drink.
Goal : set an ambition to have every farm and food and drink manufacturing business throughout Ireland on the road to sustainably production by2016.
[pic 2]
Fully verified > the process of how gaining the certification for sustainability
BEFORE the retailers couldn't get this accreditation it was only for the supply chain (farm, producers…) From 2012, it is possible to get this accreditation at this level ! “ all level of the supply chain” > The Origin Green programme ensure that all levels of the supply chain are participating -involving all stakeholders/ suppliers.
Origin Green Initiative : assessment of farmers , inspection -
2 :
This is everybody responsibility. Everybody has to get engaged in order to get the benefits of sustainability.
Everybody in the supply chain has got a role to play !!
Ex with McDonald’s : in a context of verifying sustainable beef accreditation> they couldn't do it by their own, they has to organise a meeting with a lot of different stakeholders !
However, it was up to somebody to take the lead of it > here the Origin Green initiative > seems to be the first country with such an initiative in place.
There is the emphasis on environmental sustainability > all environmental matters. Dominant emphasis on environmental but as well on social -
“ Framework to delivery long term continuous improvements in key areas such as emissions and carbon foot printing, energy, waste, water, biodiversity and social sustainability. “
Emphasis on the measurement aspect : pointing out the economic involvement around the integrated report
Metrics are being used > putting emphasis in measurement > fact based approach by measuring matters so they can see if they are doing the things they said they were going to do - track progress - take action around it ! > evidence
We can measure if the farmers, food producers, retail providers are doing the things that they say they are doing
5 : You sign up for it, its voluntary , its not that you have to deal by law instead it is a voluntary program as they designed it -
Back to this measurement again: target in place, numbers in plan and subsequently do we achieve the things that we said we were going to do ?
What we are looking at here : measurement : theres something more happening > there a way to measure to prove that there are more than words -