Product, Pricing, and Distribution Fundamentals
Autor: loz_512 • April 16, 2015 • Case Study • 991 Words (4 Pages) • 1,160 Views
III. Product, Pricing, and Distribution Fundamentals: Discuss these aspects of the 4 P’s, keeping in mind how they relate to your target market and overall positioning strategy.
- Brand Name: Choose a name for your product. Will you go with the existing American name or something new? Justify your choice--why is this a good brand name?
- Product design: Briefly describe your product in terms of its core components, packaging, and support services. Are there any product adaptations or modifications (e.g., flavors?), packaging modifications (e.g., changes necessary for shipping, storage, or sale?), or any technical support/services required for your product that are different from the way the product is offered in the US?
- Pricing considerations: Indicate the retail price at which you intend to market your product. Briefly describe how your price compares to competitor’s prices and discuss the impact (if any) the price will have on the brand image. Note how exchange-rate issues could affect your pricing strategy now or in the future.
- Distribution considerations: Identify your specific market entry strategy (Ch 12) and discuss the channels through which your product would be sold. This may include a description of catalogues or retail stores (Which? What kind?), specific geographic locations (if appropriate), internet distribution, use of wholesalers, telemarketing, etc. Why did you opt for this entry strategy and channel selection? Points to keep in mind: Consider how comparable products are distributed in the target country and whether you would pursue the same or something different. Also, remember that as an exporter, you would usually sell to a distributor/importer, instead of selling directly to retailers and consumers. Who is your “ideal” partner in this country (if any)?
The product name we chose is Dunkin’ Delight. We chose this name because we decided that it was important to distance our product from its association with the American brand. This distance was important because of the general failure of American brands in Turkey and the surrounding countries, but it still retains some of the aura of the parent company. The word “delight” evokes part of the Turkish culture because of the popular dessert in Turkey known as the Turkish Delight.
Our product will feature similar colors to the Dunkin’ Donuts parent brand. Dunkin’ Donuts features vibrant pink and orange on their packaging, and out product would feature these colors as well. We will change our product by offering Turkish coffee so as to appeal to Turkish patrons, as this kind of coffee is very popular. This would require technical adaptations for the Turkish coffee, which requires special grinders and longer preparation time. Another aspect of Turkish culture that we will incorporate into our product is the coffeehouse, where Turkish people socialize and drink coffee. We will capitalize on this by downplaying the fast-food aspect of Dunkin’ Donuts that is so popular in the United States and instead we will try to cultivate an atmosphere that is laid back and conducive to socializing. This will require more seating in our Turkish stores and more staff.