Samsung's Global Marketing
Autor: 粘 粘 • October 21, 2015 • Article Review • 484 Words (2 Pages) • 956 Views
- 三星電子公司轉型的主要策略是什麼?三星的經驗對行銷有什麼啟示?
Since 1993, Samsung has launched its “New Management Initiative,” which dedicates to transform itself as one of the most valuable brand worldwide. The whole plan is mainly consist of vertical integration, focusing on hardware, product diversification, innovation of digital products and digital convergence. To begin with, unlike other electronic companies, Samsung believes that manufacturing is the core competitiveness of the company, which thus makes Samsung insist on continuous investment in the whole production line, especially on manufacturing and R&D. Samsung also believes that it is hardware that is the most profitable due to the shortness of its life cycle. Besides, thanks to product diversification and the innovation of digital products, Samsung was able to not only stand the price fluctuation but also catch up with the up-to-date hi-tech trend. As for digital convergence, Samsung successfully predicted the future of the digital products and tried to combine several functions of its original products together to make it a new one.
Throughout the New Management Initiative, Samsung dedicated to create brand value by giving up on producing low-added-value product for OEM; instead, it began to launch high-added-value products directly to consumers. In this case, establishing a strong brand is the prerequisite. Therefore, Samsung redesigned this marketing strategy by budget redistribution and renovation of marketing campaign.
- 三星在2003年品牌強度如何?三星如何才能超越Sony〈新力〉,擠入全球10大品牌之林?
In 2003, Samsung, whose brand value is estimated as USB 10.8 billion, has ranked the 25th among the world’s most valuable brands. In order to surpass Sony and reach the 10th, Samsung has successfully raised brand awareness since 1993, the launch of its New Management Initiative. Now, Samsung has to try to make itself as the consumers’ favorite brand. Its focus should be fulfilling consumers’ needs, meaning that Samsung should pursue higher level of customer classification. Moreover, it should always renovate its products, as well as follow up the trend of consumers’ daily need.