Startegic Magmt Assignment
Autor: viki • December 19, 2013 • Essay • 300 Words (2 Pages) • 1,980 Views
1.Why Has Strategic Management Become So Important To Today's Corporations?
Strategic management has become so important to today's corporations because it helps in setting detailed goals and it affects the long term performance of organizations. Strategic management includes the devising of strategies based on the internal and external environment of the corporation. It also includes the implementation of those strategies followed by evaluation and control. There are four phases to strategic management which include financial planning and planning for the future as well as planning based on the external environment. Together, all the planning results in the strategic management of the corporation.
2.How Does Strategic Management Typically Evolve in a Corporation?
Strategic management typically involves an incorporation by growing more mature over the years. It also grows to be more streamlined. As a company becomes more accustomed to its employees, custom solutions tend to appear.
And also because of changes of technology advances in the world and the competition of market places.
3.what is a learning organization? Is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management?
A learning organization is the term given to a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself. Learning organizations develop as a result of the pressures facing modern organizations and enables them to remain competitive in the business environment.
A learning organization has five main features; systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision and team learning . It encourages organizations to shift to a more interconnected way of thinking. Organizations should become