State Government Reform: Survey of Western New Yorkers
Autor: Kyle Gladieux • October 23, 2015 • Course Note • 268 Words (2 Pages) • 853 Views
After looking at the data from the follow-up survey of Western New Yorkers on the topic of state government reform, a few trends can be noticed. First off, it appears that regardless of party affiliation, a majority of those surveyed are in favor for all three types of reform suggested. The only party that had a majority vote no was the Democrats, on the topic of term limits for legislators. Every other party had the majority agree with the proposed types of government reform. When asked if a delay in the preparation of the state budget should result in legislative pay cuts, 61% of New Yorkers who identified as Democrats said yes, as well as about 53% of Independents and, 87% of Republicans. This data may not be independent due to the high number of Republicans that voted yes on the issue. On the topic of restrictions on lobbyists, 58% of Democrats approved of the idea, as well as 79% of Independents, and 76% of Republicans. This data could be independent because no single party greatly outvoted another. On the final topic of whether legislators should be subjected to term limits, only 47% of Democrats said yes, making them the only group to not have the majority approve the idea. The Independents had an approval rating of about 53%, and 71% of Republicans approved the idea. This data words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words wordswords words words words words words words