The Case of Dick Spencer
Autor: olly2013 • October 29, 2013 • Case Study • 604 Words (3 Pages) • 1,769 Views
Dick Spencer was an exceptional salesperson for his company Tri-American, after his first sudden success, he decided to get into management. His decision took him to a multinational journey; his decisions and reactions during that time are analyzed in this paper, identifying his major errors in judgment and their subsequently impact.
Summarizing the events, Dick Spencer started his career in the multinational aluminum conglomerate of Tri-American as a salesperson, with a significant amount of success combined with a bit of luck and personal charming. In his first year, Dick’s success, as any other sales official’s success, was measure on the amount of sales made. Sadly the sale fields are flooded with constant travel that undoubtedly cost him his marriage. Marital affairs in terms on how his marriage was handled are not given, ergo with we can speculate that the lack of attention played a tremendous role in his divorce. During his second year, when Dick decided that his future was in the managerial area, his superiors made a risky decision to put him as a special assistant, turning him into a ruthless head hunter and send him away to London with a label that is not quite helpful for someone in management.
His third year as an assistant plant manager ran smoothly, his lack of accounting skills were compensated with the presence of a strong controller, which I believe Dick should had taken with him to his next assignment in Modrow. It is in Modrow when Dick found himself alone, without the assistant of personal that he really can count on and trust. He landed there in the middle of semi-cost crisis, with a project at loss and behind schedule. He, instead to run the plant normally at first for the first quarters, decided to apply a new cost reduction strategy