The Way You Treat Your Employees Is the Way They'll Treat Your Customer
Autor: dibs2477 • January 22, 2013 • Essay • 426 Words (2 Pages) • 1,572 Views
“The way you treat your employees is the way they’ll treat your customer.”
The statement I decided to analyze is, ““The way you treat your employees is the way they’ll treat your customer”. I cannot agree with this statement more! Happy workers create happy customers. If an employee hates coming to work every day and feels they are treated badly by their employer this will come out in his interactions with the customer. Employees need to feel that they are respected and needed. If they feel they are part of the team it will promote them to be the best they can be at work.
Employers need to take time to set their employees up to succeed. If they take this extra time and train their employees properly it will benefit the company greatly. Along with the training they need to let the employees know that they matter and what they do counts the extra time put in will be well worth it in the end.
There is a high end restaurant in Tucson that goes the extra mile to train their wait staff and it shows. Every time that we go and eat there you feel as if you are royalty. The servers are well trained and their excitement for their job shines through in everything they do. It is a pleasure to eat at the restaurant we return not only for the great food but because of the spectacular treatment we receive. The majority of restaurants in Tucson hire and fire regularly, there is not much training and no job security. This usually shows with poor service. Poor service makes it hard to go back even if the food is great.
Another example I always think of is In-N-Out burgers. They pay their employees well, train them well, and they appear to have decent job security for a fast food chain. Every time I go get a burger it is an enjoyable experience, everyone seems happy and excited to be there. This is usually not the case at the other fast food chains I go to. The person taking your order is often so