Total Quality Management and Organizational Development
Autor: Sheila Jones • October 18, 2015 • Annotated Bibliography • 5,481 Words (22 Pages) • 1,451 Views
Total Quality Management and Organizational Development
Sheila Gawne
Webster University
Fall 1 2015
HRDV 5630
Organizational Development and Change
The purpose of the research was to compare and contrast Total Quality Management (TQM) and Organizational Development (OD). TQM is a business philosophy based on customer satisfaction through quality orientation of the entire organization. (Madar, 2015). “A successful TQM program shows an intensification in commitment, motivation and performance of the employees further resulted into goal congruence & better performance in the organization” (Shukla, Heda, & Panda, 2015). Organization Development is one of the three techniques utilized in TQM, the three techniques are: Strategic Planning, Organization Development and Continuous Improvement. (Cox, 1995) TQM and OD are inextricably linked, based on the same core beliefs and management styles. However TQM responds to problems quickly in an atmosphere of ongoing data collection and review without clear goals, whereas OD sets goals and has tangible check points for success, also OD programs have an ending point. “The organization development process includes: clarification of whole organization objectives, data gathering, diagnosis, prescribing interventions, commitment, implementation and progress review”. (Johnston, 1979) To ensure that an organization properly identifies the causes and symptoms of organizational challenges an OD professional must take an adequate amount of time in the diagnostic stage prior to implementation of any corrective measures. “The key to establishing effective change and transformation in organisations lies in the early stages of assessment and diagnosis: if diagnosis is wrong, treatment will be ineffective”. (Hassin, 2010) The foundation of any TQM program is the ongoing review of reported data, diagnosis of problems and implementation of change. Within the study of TQM and OD, other relevant information was discovered including the evolution of OD and TQM and a paradigm change within OD from a negative focus to a positive focus over the last decade. The research indicates that both OD and TQM are valuable resources for organizations regardless of their private or public standing.
Atkinson, P., McKenzie, R., & Thomson, J. (2010). From Recession to Recovery: tangible transformation in organisational performance. Change Management: Management Services , 35-39.
Atkinson, et al discuss the need for change in the public sector, particularly in the National Health System in the UK. The study introduces the accelerated change model, a six step program for organizational development. The team suggests that applying the principles of a private organization change effort to a publicly funded organization the same benefits will come about. This article lays out the benefits of implementing the accelerated change model, and addresses the need for change within the NHS. The efficacy and reliability of the accelerated change model are discussed, the authors suggest that this is the best model for public sector change management.