Autor: Saumya Gupta • December 18, 2016 • Coursework • 532 Words (3 Pages) • 593 Views
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Assignment : 09
Question 1 : How did Twitter amass so many users?
- Twitter's growth started in 2006 after the article published by Om Malik regarding twitter being viral and addictive. Twitter got the attention from leading newspapers even though it had just 80,000 users. The increased publicity lead to increased user base.
- Twitter constantly updated its features to make it more user friendly. It introduced features like video and sound tweets to attract more users.
- It moved into mobile as it was already popular amongst existing users through third party software.
- As twitter recognized its users to be of average age group of 18-34, it used targeted trends and tweets to attract more users.
- Collaboration with CNN helped in more involvement from users as well as user base expansion.
Question 2 : Which Twitter users contribute content and which ones do not? Why?
Twitter followed something called the 90-9-1 rule. Basically, 90% of people aren’t expected to do anything but read content generated by others. The 9% are expected to be contribute occasionally — perhaps responding here and there or, in Twitter’s case, re-tweeting something or “favoriting” it, akin to liking something on Facebook. And it’s the 1% who are expected to generate the bulk of the content.
The 1% mostly constitute celebrates, athletes and journalists of various stripes. These personalities uses twitter for multiple reasons such as :
- They use it for gaining popularity or keeping audience interest.
- It is used for promotions, such as some film star using tweets to promote an upcoming movie.
- It can be used by political personality such as Mr. Barack Obama, to increase awareness about some issues, reforms or simply political campaign.
- It can be used by companies to promote their brands.
- It can be used by journalists or enthusiasts users to provide live news tweets.
Question 3 : Who gets followed on Twitter and who does not? Why?
- People used to follow other users who share similar interest s and follow similar topics.
- Mostly celebrities ,sportspersons, politicians have most followers, usually in millions.
- An users gets followers if his or her tweets generates interest amongst the audience. It can be due to tweets being knowledgeable, resonating with other users or being simply funny.
Question 4 : What should Twitter do to increase its revenues?
- Smart personalization and filtering
The first thing Twitter needs to do is give users better ways to filter their timelines so they can improve the relevancy of what they see.
- Twitter should add Netflix-style thumbs up (“more like this”) and thumbs down (“less like this”) feedback actions on each Tweet.
- Based on this feedback, Twitter can learn machine learning to learn and adapt to each user’s changing interests and prioritize content for them.
- In addition, by analyzing what each user has tweeted, retweeted, liked, or taken action on in the past, as well as who they follow and who follows them and takes action on their tweets, the system can learn even more deeply about changing user interests and priorities.
Above will help in more targeted positioning of tweets and hence more successful ad campaign. It will increase the engagement of users and increase the revenue.