What Motivates You at Work
Autor: Jasmine Chai • August 29, 2016 • Essay • 922 Words (4 Pages) • 1,342 Views
Working in America Today People work basically as a means of continued existence in America, but there are countless different other reasons why people work. There have been many theories that people work to get what they want, whether it is material possessions or to emotional wealth. Dorothy Sayers, author of Living to Work, says that people work because certain people “love” their job. Then there are some people who work just strictly for the money and to get what they want with it. I think that the meanings of work lie in wanting to have money, to live happily and to survive. There are a lot of people in our world who today have jobs just because of the money. When we think about it that is why most people hold on to their jobs. If the job description says they are paying fourteen dollars an hour a lot of people take advantage of the opportunity because of the money. They would not care about what job it is. In the article Living to Work, Dorothy Sayers states that, “work is something hateful, only to be endured because it makes money and money is desirable because it represents a way of escape from work.” It does not matter how strenuous the work is, an individual will work it until the end as long as they are getting paid. For example, a lot of teenagers work at fast food joints to get money, they do not look toward the fast food joint as a career because the work is boring and sometimes hard and it does not pay enough. But the thing about it is that they are getting paid. Sayers states, “They only want to make money so that they may devote themselves more single-mindedly to their work.” So that reinforces my theory on why people work; to get a little change in their pockets. Most if the citizens of America carry on everyday, working their nine to five not because they love it and it is their calling. They are doing it because money is their motivation. I think that if people were not getting paid to work, but getting paid to do something else, then they would do something else as long as they get money. They need to money to supply their needs. Maybe the bills need to be paid, or maybe they might want to eat. Maybe they have to put a child through college. Whatever the situation is, money is usually get the job done. When we look at it now that is why our society is working for the money, therefore; it allows them to sit back comfortably and enjoy their money. There are a lot