Would Whistle-Blowing Be a More Acceptable Practice If It Was Called by Another Name? What Other Names Might It Be Called That Would Find Acceptance in Corporate Culture?
Autor: shughley77 • January 16, 2016 • Research Paper • 324 Words (2 Pages) • 974 Views
Would whistle-blowing be a more acceptable practice if it was called by another name? What other names might it be called that would find acceptance in corporate culture?
After researching what whistle-blowing really is, I think that if it was called by another name it would be a little more acceptable. Majority of the time people aren’t “whistle-blowing, snitching, Tattle telling” too “rat” an individual out. Sometimes things need to be told to be resolved. Statements are being made due to concern for their jobs or others well-being. If you don’t speak up and defend what’s right how will anything ever change? How will issues be resolved? How would you make a bad situation a better one? Especially when you know it is wrong. When it is wrong it shouldn’t be called whistle-blowing that does sound like an ugly thing. It sounds like a bad thing and being concerned of others or the organization isn’t a bad thing. All the names I mentioned earlier are terrible names to be called or referred too when dealing with legitimate concerns. Especially when you are providing information for a good reason. To help someone or to better an inappropriate situation. There are other names that could possibly be used, names like “Awareness, Compliance Analysis, Risk Management, CI Analysis (Confidential Informant Analysis). There are other names like “Speak up Policy, Issue Resolution Policy, or Collaboration policy.” Whatever it may be, it should be labeled as being a positive thing and not a negative thing. Something that is going to label a good employee not as a complainer but rather a concerned employee with a concern. Companies will benefit more so from implementing policies that will encourage employees to come forward with issues and work together as a group to correct any complaints or concerns they may have regarding corporate misconducts found within the company.