Zara Case Study
Autor: Ricky Hiển Tường • November 1, 2016 • Case Study • 369 Words (2 Pages) • 1,193 Views
1) Teiknið ferli Zara frá hönnun og til sölu í búðum þar sem aðalferlar koma fram, (hönnun, framleiðsla...) og
tilgreinið þá undirferla sem þið teljið að séu tengir aðalferlunum:
2) Hvaða þættir eru það sem gera Zara kleift að skara fram úr á sínu sviði, tilgreinið og fjallið um helstu ástæður
þess að einmitt þessir þættir gera þeim kleift að skara framúr:
It takes only as little as 2 weeks for Zara to introduce a newly designed product to their store.
Fast and Frequent distribution system keeps a very low level of inventory in stores, so no excess
inventory, reduce needs to sell products at discounted prices.
60% of products produced by Zara are by their own factories, combine with constant customer
feedbacks from store managers, Zara has the ability to redesign products to what consumers like and
dislike in a very short period of time.
Total Quality Management allows all employees to take part in the design process which motivates
them and help the company produce products meeting customer needs.
Most of designs developed are done using CAD which makes the production process faster and
precise, reduce waste of materials and also easier to modify the designs later.
Transport products to stores Replenish inventory at least twice a week