A New Direction
Autor: Delaney Elliott • April 3, 2016 • Essay • 1,436 Words (6 Pages) • 1,025 Views
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A New Direction
Two weeks ago, the world heard the worst news that could ever be revealed to them. Zayn Malik had left the ever so popular and dreamy boy band, One Direction. My heart was in shambles and a flood of emotions filled my body. Denial was the first step, and then came anger. I guess my next step is acceptance but I’m still not ready to go there yet. I need more time to grieve. Before you go on, calling me out for crying over the breakup of a band, I would like you to know that my reaction was quite moderate. After the news hit the internet, Instagram, Vine and Twitter were filled with pictures, videos, and quotes all remembering and mourning the loss of the dark haired, sensitive, sweet smiled, browned eyed, laid back, angle voiced, member of the super band. But really what are we (teenage girls) actually mourning? It’s not like Zayn dropped dead. Yes, change can be difficult and their music will never be the same (I mean who can hit that high note in “You and I” the way Zayn can?) but the videos of girls sobbing in front of cameras reacting to Zayn’s departure seems a little excessive. They cry as if they personally know him. Like he’s their boyfriend.
Celebrities exist to entertain us not to become our best friends, soul mates, and obsession. Yes, celebrities would not be famous without fans and supporters but it is unhealthy and creepy for people to know more about celebrities than they do their best friend. The fascination over celebrities starts young maybe six or seven years old and continues all through high school and beyond. I remember being in 1st grade and sitting in a friend’s living room during a birthday party surrounding a poster of Jesse McCartney and literally drooling over his paper face. Girls were claiming they would marry him while others called his younger brother since he was closer to our age. Yes, Jesse McCartney is unusually attractive and has the voice of an angel but what possesses seven year old girls to spend their entire night fantasizing about the day they come face to face with Jesse? It’s not just a fun past time. These “innocent” little crushes are borderline stalking and consuming young girls lives. When Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens started to date hearts broke because “Zac Efron was theirs!” How dare she date “my boyfriend!?” Young girls are mama bears guarding their precious cub, protecting them from danger. Celebrities don’t need protectors and stalkers, they need fans. These celebrities didn’t get famous because of their good looks or adorable relationships but rather their ability to perform, create amazing movies, and put on unforgettable concerts.