Academic Work
Autor: lijiajun8588 • January 15, 2014 • Essay • 690 Words (3 Pages) • 1,226 Views
1.0 Introduction
There are several praenomen will affect on individual perform when they were in the work. And in this paper I will focus on leadership and motivation. Moreover, personal perform in the workplace will be affect on leadership and motivation which I will analyse in this assignment. As well as, I will evaluate the theory and make a discussion which will be linked to the Virgin Media. Additionally, I will choose some significant points to indicate how leadership and motivation work in Virgin Media.
2.0 Theories on leadership and motivation
2.1 leadership
Taylor develops "scientific management " as he worked his way up from a labourer to a works manager in a US steelworks(Jim Riley 2012). And in his research, he made three key assumption about human behaviour at work. Firstly, man is rational economic animal concerned with maximising his economic gain. Secondly, people respond as individuals, not as groups. Thirdly, people can be treated in a standardize fashion, like machines. Additionally, in Taylor's approach shows the amount of money they will be paid i is equal their workload. In this case, the clearly weakness in his approach is he ignores the difference in people. The approach cannot suit all kinds of people. Besides, he indicated the money is only element which employee work for(Adro Lado 2004). This is also a mistake, it is not for every people. Sometimes, people work for experience or the job they are interested. Maybe they will give the chance which one is well-paid, and choose which one they like.
2.2 motivation
Maslow was a humanistic psychologist who proposed that with every person is a hierarchy of five needs, such as physiological, safety, belongingness and love , esteem and self- actualization from the bottom up(Maslow 1943). Then he divided these five needs into two general part. Physiological and safety needs is allocated to low-order needs, belongingness and love , esteem and self- actualization is allocated to higher- order needs(Pyd 2012 ). In this case, manger should satisfied the basis need of employee, then the employees will be more working hard. In order to improve employees' enthusiasm, they should the let the employees can achieve self-respect and sense of honor. But Maslow's theory is also has some limitations,.It is only emphasis on individual needs, and without considering the social practice of human needs. Moreover, he emphasizes the intrinsic value of the individual.
3.0 analyzing