Apple Case
Autor: gaojie • March 24, 2013 • Essay • 298 Words (2 Pages) • 1,425 Views
The Course will be taught as a mixture of lectures, exercises and case studies. Important strategic concepts will be introduced via classroom lecture and discussion while exercises and case studies will allow the student to gain knowledge of the practical aspects of strategic management on a holistic basis, and see these concepts applied in real-life situations.
The course will be conducted using Blackboard, and all students must familiarize themselves with Blackboard usage. There will be no printed notes, and most of the distributed material will be in the electronic form with a few exceptions. All submissions by students will also be in the electronic form through Blackboard.
The instructor will communicate with all students using the Blackboard system and student Domain e-mail ids. It is the student’s responsibility to update their e-mail addresses and access the messages as and when necessary.
Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of another’s work or ideas and the representation of these as one’s own.
Definition of Plagiarism: “The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own”. (OED)
This includes among others but not limited to
copying another individual’s or group’s ideas and work, copying materials from the internet and other published sources and producing such materials verbatim,
Using others’ ideas and work without proper citation of the original proponent or author of the idea. Students are expected to produce original work of their own for assignments and examinations. A comprehensive definition and explanation of plagiarism will be given during the first class period, and students are expected to take serious note of this explanation.
These rules apply to internet sources also. Students are strongly advised to access the following website and learn how