Circle of Security
Autor: Hatice.gee • December 15, 2017 • Course Note • 774 Words (4 Pages) • 782 Views
Tips for Assignment One
As much as the team and I would love to give you all the answers … that would defeat the purpose of your study really! What we can do however, is provide you with as much scaffolding as possible to support your understanding of the assignment questions. Understanding exactly what is expected will help diminish those anxieties ☺
Firstly, make sure you have diarised the assignment due dates (Task A due 3rd December, Task B due 10th December).
The staggered due dates provide an opportunity for you to apply any feedback provided in Task A to your work in Task B; the consideration of feedback will assist your understanding and the application of it will strengthen your overall results.
Secondly, watch those ALLaN videos multiple times so that you can pick up the important elements.
So … let’s get to the question!
Assignment 1 Task A.
Post an essay plan based on the Assignment 2 Wellness and wellbeing essay question to the Interact Journal by Sunday 3rd December.
In order to effectively plan your essay, you first need to understand the question. The question for assignment 2 is provided for you below:
The beginning modules introduce some ideas about society’s perceptions of wellness and wellbeing. These modules also discuss the factors that can influence children's attainment of both these conditions.
From your weekly readings choose three to four health issues that you believe influence children's attainment of wellness and wellbeing. Using some of the health model perspectives and health related theories in your readings, and acknowledging issues of equity as per Module 3 and associated readings, discuss three to four factors that can influence a child's attainment of wellness; social and media aspects as they relate to health issues must form part of your discussion.
What now is your understanding of the influences on attaining wellness and wellbeing? How can early childhood programmes support children and families towards improving their wellness and wellbeing in relation to the issues you have selected?
In order to understand the question, start by identifying and highlighting the task words. The task words help you to identify what you are being asked to do.
Then consider the content words; the content words identify the knowledge that you are expected to have in relation to a subject area.
Finally, think about the limiter words; the words that identify what your limits are.
Now you can develop your plan! Sounds easy yes? Ahhh … but what should the plan look like I hear you ask!
Using the framework identified in the ALLaN video, your plan should look something like this: