Com 295 - Persuasive Message - Crude Oil
Autor: Matthew21 • May 15, 2016 • Essay • 326 Words (2 Pages) • 1,226 Views
Persuasive Message
Matthew Ferguson
August 27th, 2015
Roberto Cordero
Persuasive Message
Dear CEO,
I would like to take a second to talk to you about a business changing opportunity. That opportunity is an opening to invest in oil for a fairly good price, due to the recent drop in oil prices. Now don’t let the fact that oil prices are low right now scare you. They are going to sky rocket again very soon. Much like the house market, oil prices never stay down and there is always money to be made in it. Now let’s take a second to look at the benefits behind oil the “mother of all commodities”, and the facts about how investing in it will always be a benefit to you. There are a ton of reasons to stick behind oil and I would like to have you take a look at this link to show my points about investing in Crude Oil. (
Sells pitch:
OIL, one of the biggest and most efficient things we use on a day to day basic. Customers around the world crave it, and the everyday person needs it in their lives every single day. Thankfully there are producers out there willing to give it to us for a price. Well our price, here at ABC company will have Oil at a price that is affordable to the everyday type of person. To be affective in this competitive field, we guarantee the most affordable gasoline, oil products, and to the average company in need of oil. These average companies in need of our produce include, those of producing leathers, copper, metals, and etc. Before contacting anyone else for the best oil prices around, contact us at (xxx-xxx-xxxx), email ABC is the most committed and effective oil sharing company in the business. Thank you for considering ABC, and we look forward to doing business with you.