Demography Is the Stastical Study of All Population
Autor: Antonio • September 1, 2011 • Essay • 413 Words (2 Pages) • 1,795 Views
Demography is the stastical study of all population . It can be very general science that can be applied to all kind of dinamic population , that is , one that changes over time or space .
The term ‘demography' is derived from two Greek Words, ‘Demas' the people and ‘Grapho', to draw or write. Thus its meaning is to draw or Write about people.
Demography has been defined and interpreted by many scolar in different ways . Some of popular and more accepted defination are cited below :
Dr. K . Park had defined demography in the year 1998 as follows : " Demography is the scientific study of human population . It focuses on three readily observable human phenominon ; (a) Change in population size ( growth or decline ) , (b) Composition of population and (c) Distribution of population in space . It deals five demography processes , fertility , mortality , marriage , migration and social mobility , which work within the population determin ing its size , composition and distribution ".
In 1959 House and Duncan had defined demography as " The study of the component of population veriation and change ".
In 1998 Knox and Marston define demography as " The study of characterstics of human population " .
The oxford Dictionary of Geography in the year 2005 defined Demohraphy as " The observed statistical and mathematical study of human population concerned with size , distribution and composition of such population "
Sikinner and Redfern define demography , in the year 2007 , as " The study of population number and changes "
Demography is the systematic and scientific study of birth , death and migration of Population .
Demography is the mathematical and statistical